Commitments for Excellence
"The 8 P's"
1. Partnership - We work as a team and collectively contribute to the advancement of our group and our dancers by helping and supporting one another.
2. Positive Communication - We communicate regularly, honestly and respectfully in a supportive and encouraging manner.
3. Punctuality - We start and end performances, practices, meetings and other group functions on time.
4. Preparedness - We arrive prepared to practices, performances and other group functions.
5. Pride - We convey pride and confidence in our culture, the art of dance, and our group at all times.
6. Professionalism - We represent our group in a positive manner at all times through positive communication, professional conduct and professional appearance.
7. Participation - We consistently, attentively, actively and energetically participate in practices, performances and dance related functions.
8. Phun - We have fun.